Expert Analysis

Not sure where to start?
Here you have Tecignite experts to perform an assessment for you.

Data Migration

Considering switching to a new technology, but worried about preserving legacy data? Tecignite has expertise for you.


Want all your tools tightly integrated with other 3rd party systems? Tecignite provide seamless workflow ensuring all the tools work perfect together.

DevOps is not a Goal, But a never-ending process of continual improvement.

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

Tecignite utilizes the right products and implement DevOps best practices to streamline a process to make it seamless and efficient. Here are some of the list of our expertise:

  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo.
  • Migrations from centralized VCS to Git.
  • Specialize in niche consulting within GitHub, Atlassian products.
  • Custom Integrations with DevOps stack tools.
  • Installation and Configuration.

Data is what we need to do Analytics. Information is what you need to do Business.

Analytics is simply the science of mining data to come to conclusions, but it’s never as simple as it sounds. Today’s market leaders are using advanced analytics as a core competitive advantage, allowing them to agilely respond to market changes and win their customer’s choice.

Tecignite with its expertise team help to provide the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take decisions. Below are the list of our expertise:

  • Assistance for Product evaluation and selection of right Analytics platforms
  • Process Consulting based on Best Practices
  • Implementation & Customize integration Services
  • Training Services.

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